Today Most useable tips for twitter business
Twitter, using Twitter for business is very different than simply twittering. Here's why.
When Tweet likes me, I'm off duty. I'm in a room full of a finger, interesting people and talk about all the threads of multiple dimensions to build a Twitter community. Example: Thomas. We met through work, but now connect to the family, politics and personal interests and what is happening in the industry, when we meet in Twitter. Our Tweets have helped us become friends.
But when I Tweet for business or direct customers of Twitter, which is a very different intention. The focus is on sharing information that matters, that is relevant to the person on the other side of the Tweet. "Relevant" is the keyword. It's all about them. For businesses, you have to Tweet what matters to your audience, which makes a difference in their lives, work, mind, or ultimately, wallets.
The CEO of is an oft-cited example of corporate Tweeting. But I also think, a company voice-to-Web (disclosure: I do some consulting for them) does a
good job in a conversation of Twitter-based business. (Go on, if you want to see in action.)In my humble opinion, Tweeting for business functions only give you more of what it takes. And if you're patient. That can be difficult for new companies, because often, early-stage companies are limited in what they communicate openly. It takes some creative thinking, and a real commitment to engage in conversation, especially in a scenario like Twitter.
So I'm starting with two spikes, designed so you can begin to explore the potential of Twitter provides companies to begin discussions open and transparent and collaborative.
1. First practice. Set up a personal Twitter account and learn your way around. Invite friends. They gather a few followers and know the basics with them. Make sure you know what you're doing before you connect with customers. You would be doing a disservice to your company to build a following and not have your act together to start tweeting them. And continue Tweeting as "you", even once your Twitter business plan is underway. You learn a lot. Mastering the tools, see how the conversation grows, and intelligent Twitter tweet before you start in business.
2. COMMIT before imbecile. As you know, every action you take as a company affects its customers and the community is experiment. Like any other business decision, its outcome on Twitter is only as good as the process behind it. Community building requires an investment in Twitter content, frequency and time.
If you're looking at Twitter as a platform for business conversations, go with a long-term commitment. I do not think anyone can say that the ROI will be predictable and measurable in the conventional way, or immediate. Blogger Nick O'Neill reports that "there is an average of 200,000 daily active users on Twitter ... I have friends whose Facebook applications get more traffic than that."
A Twitter expert aptly described as "serendipity Web”, well said. Do not do on Twitter the raw numbers at least not yet. You are going to chance that you meet someone, pick a story, learn of an opportunity that makes the difference ... and would have lost otherwise. Keep this in mind when planning how to use Twitter, how will you define success and how to modify your plan as your Twitter presence evolves.
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