Most twitter for Business
Twitter is so hot at this time that Shaq is united and Oprah. It is also very good for attracting buzzwords that I can not decide whether to call a microblogging service or a social networking website. But it does not matter what you call it, or if you prefer to follow Ashton Kutcher or Britney Spears. What matters is that users are taking to Twitter in massive numbers. And your business must be there, too.
Does this mean that the plumbers who start sending messages about what you had for breakfast to meet orders sink repair Net hipsters desperate? No, but you can & ought to make use of Twitter to connect with clients, customers & fans in a way that you
could not do before. Here are some tips on how to make use of Twitter effectively, & a few notes,Be conversational:
The account of his business to talk about Twitter as a person, even if it is a collective "person" who represents your company or brand. Think of your Twitter account as a character in a little Internet game that is a walking, talking personification of all his company. If you like, is to take the limit: Use the first person ("They're putting my stuff on sale again!"), invent a personality. Or simply use the royal "we" and "our" - talker "Our editors have by so and so." But be.
Some companies prefer to know the members of your team when they're tweeting from the company account. That is a valid approach, too. For instance, savvy group CoTweet Twitter service (currently in beta) can automatically add their initials to the tweets they do, while representing your company. (Macworld is testing this service to see if it makes it easier for a group of our editors to operate together different Twitter accounts.)
There are automated:
If you have a blog that is connected to your business, you can use a service like twitter feed directly channeling his new blog post on the Twitter messages. Sounds smart, right? Well, do not. Mains twitter your business must be fed by hand. If you publish an avalanche of links impersonal, his Twitter account just seem like a faceless machine promotion. And that's no way to engage people on Twitter. Link to the better things in his blog, and relevant material that you see elsewhere on the web, and publish articles that do not contain links to all. (Do not forget to use a URL shortening service like TinyURL, or for your links.)
Follow people that are relevant:
From his Twitter account, follow each one on staff who use Twitter. Follow their colleagues in related companies in your industry. Follow the relevant brands and journalists and experts in their market, even those who compete with you. It is nice to follow people. And the following people who will create a village in the ecosystem is that you are following and consider suggestions for users who must continue.
Respond to your appointment:
People refer to the account of his company as if it were a person. You must respond to the tweets that you mention, where appropriate. This will give your mind more personality and make people feel directly involved with the brand. For example, a person can ask a direct question: "Hi @ Macworld. Do you know if Apple to enable forwarding of SMS messages on the iPhone? Thank you." "@ Janevans35 Apple is not saying, but we hope that with the release of software most important is coming!”
People refer to the account of his company as if it were a person. You must respond to the tweets that you mention, where appropriate. This will give your mind more personality and make people feel directly involved with the brand. For example, a person can ask a direct question: "Hi @ Macworld. Do you know if Apple to enable forwarding of SMS messages on the iPhone? Thank you." "@ Janevans35 Apple is not saying, but we hope that with the release of software most important is coming!”
Make sure your people are on Twitter, and refer to them:
People who peep different companies. It's okay for your employees to discuss waffle or go for a drink, and we're working. Not everyone will embrace Twitter, but many of them and even personal things Twitter filters can help make stronger personal connections with colleagues and audience members alike.
That said, you need to be aware that their employees and are aware that everything they write on Twitter (unless you are using a "protection account" that limits access) is public. If there is someone who works for a company whose tweets are a bit racy, you should consider whether or not to refer to them in the mind of your company. An alternative is to ask employees to create two Twitter accounts, one for work issues and their personal lives-and keep them separate.
Once your people are on Twitter, you can talk about what we are working and the reference of the brand through Twitterspeak. For example: "I just wrote a cool story for @ Macworld on iPod shuffle." That will lead to the followers Twitter account for your company.
Similarly, the account of your brand, can lead to the followers of your people. For example: "Our own @ vacuumguy believes the new Dyson is impressive: / example"
Be a good Twitter citizen:
Can you persuade your Twitter followers to promote you to their followers? Sure, but be mindful: He who has the most followers doesn’t necessarily win. If you get people to promote you to their friends in order to win a prize or enter a sweepstakes, you may end up creating a harmful backlash. I’ve seen it happen myself: Recently, a software-deals site offered a free program to anyone who would tweet about its bundle to his or her friends. The people who tweeted were rewarded, but many of their friends felt like they were receiving spam. Even though the people who tweeted were complicit in the act, it was the company that induced the tweeting that received the bulk of the criticism. The etiquette of Twitter is still evolving—be wary.
Search for your name:
Beyond the particulars, which are specific references to his Twitter account, it is likely that people using Twitter to talk about your business. Using the powerful features of Twitter search to find the references, either from the Twitter website, a program based Mac Twitter client TweetDeck and Tweetie as supporting saved searches, or even through your RSS reader by subscribing to the RSS feed that links to all the Twitter search results page. There are plenty of companies offering customer service and support for Twitter to see what people say about them. When he complained on Twitter about my bad luck finding a JetBlue flight from Oakland to Boston, within half an hour he had received a response from JetBlue Twitter account with an explanation.
Use Twitter to ask questions to customers, and get good answers:
Twitter is a great way to get answers to your questions. Trying to figure out what your customers want to see or are interested? Use Twitter to ask. Sure, not a scientific survey, but can give you an immediate snapshot of the zeitgeist. This can be enlightening and productive. About five minutes before entering a briefing with Apple products, using Twitter to ask readers what they wanted to know. It ended with dozens of great questions, and used as a framework for the article I wrote after the meeting was over.
Twitter is a great way to get answers to your questions. Trying to figure out what your customers want to see or are interested? Use Twitter to ask. Sure, not a scientific survey, but can give you an immediate snapshot of the zeitgeist. This can be enlightening and productive. About five minutes before entering a briefing with Apple products, using Twitter to ask readers what they wanted to know. It ended with dozens of great questions, and used as a framework for the article I wrote after the meeting was over.
Even if you’re not the type of person who uses Facebook or Twitter yourself, there’s no denying that these new forms of connection and communication are powerful and becoming increasingly important. That’s why your business should be on Twitter now
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